Nikka Yoichi

Nikka Yoichi

Japanese Whisky

Nikka's first distillery, established on the northern island of Hokkaido in the first half of the 20th century and producing rich and heavy malts.

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Nikka YoichiJapanese Whisky

Of Nikka's two malt whisky distilleries, Yoichi produces rich, peaty and masculine malt.

From the distillery website:

The whisky gets its distinct aroma and body from direct heating distillation, in which the pot stills are heated with finely powdered natural coal--the traditional method that is hardly ever used today, even in Scotland.

In Yoichi, Masataka Taketsuru saw numerous reminders of Scotland, and was convincedthat this should be the home of Nikka whisky.The location was selected for whisky production because of its clean air, just the right humidity for storage, and abundant underground water filtered through a layer of peat. In Yoichi, Masataka Taketsuru saw numerous reminders of Scotland, and this convinced him that this should be the home of Japanese Whisky.

The distillery:

  • is at Lat.43 10'N.Lon.14045'E, or about the same Latitude as the middle of New York State, Toronto Canada, Vladivostok Russia.
  • rests about 50km west of Sapporo City in southern Hokkaido, which is the northernmost of Japan's four principal islands, and was one of the last Japanese frontiers to be developed.
  • has three sides surrounded by mountains, and one side on the coast (Sea of Japan).
  • is blessed with the things that really matter to great whisky.

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